Sustainable Learning and Production of Knowledge

© Matthias Rosenthal
One of the additional strengths of the virtual classroom setting is the possibility to produce knowledge sustainably. By a simple function of either Adobe Connect itself or by other softwares the online classroom sessions can easily be recorded. This means that participants of a course can later on watch the course again or look up information. The same applies if a participant was too sick to participate. This is a powerful tool for learning in general as it allows for the so called "Learning in the Moment of Need" (LMN). This means that you can find information easily in the moment the information is needed.

But the advantage here is twofold, and the second aspect is even more important: You can use the recordings to produce learning videos by uploading them to Youtube or providing them otherwisse. Thereby, invited guest lecturers who have delivered a talk (for instance) would have simultaneously produced sustainable knowledge. As a matter of fact, the information society is driven by learning from online videos as well as from websites. The world wide provision of knowledge must also be a concern of environmental justice in general. Taking serioucly the laid down rules on a critical approach in environmental justice research based on John Dryzek's article on "Policy Analysis as Critique", providing the findings on environmental issues to those that do not have a voice is a natural concern of what trans-disciplinarity is about.

Through eE-Learning and Blended Learning generally, and the only online virtual classroom setting in particular (for the description of the current references click here).